Sunday, December 18, 2011

Chapter 8: Disc1 Finale

Forgot to mention this last time. In regards to abilities, everyone should have Level Up equipped if they know it. This ability is a first priority. Not so much for Zidane since he’ll be in your party 90% of the time so he’ll never be underleveled however, everyone else is not that lucky. For Zidane, at this time, Bandit is highest priority.

Give Vivi the Ice Staff at this point and start him learning Blizzara (50) and stack Slow with the Magus Hat. Freya should be close to finishing off Dragon Killer but you won’t get another weapon for her for a little while yet, same for Zidane (which is why finishing the Ogre early on was not necessary).

First head north, following the eastern wall until you reach this side of the North Gate or the Burmecian Arch. After contemplating the signs of battle, snatch up the two chests by the door and leave this area. Next head west. Stay in the grassy parts and you might run into a Nymph from which Quina can learn the Night spell. Head west until you reach the coast and turn right and look from some chocobo tracks. Use the gysahl greens and hop on. Open the Chocograph menu and select the Healing Shore. This is the location of the Healing Shore. Just hit several spots until you find it. When you open it, a puff of smoke will put you into a deep sleep during which we will see a dream sequence and Choco will become a light blue. You now have Reef Chocobo.
Take Choco back to Gizamaluke’s Grotto, hop off and pass back through the grotto to the other side of the mountains. Head back to Qu’s Marsh and right around there you will find a set of tracks. Gysahl greens, get on Choco, open Chocographs, select Bird’s Eye Lagoon. Head into the water west. You’ll see a funny little island that looks a little like the one in the Chocograph picture. In the shallows around this area you find it and receive 8 Potions, 4 Phoenix Downs, 3 Ethers, and 1 Magician Robe. Give this robe to Vivi now.
Next select Small Beach and ride over to Chocobo Forest. Enter the shallows south of the forest. It’s island south of the forest but you’ll have to ride around the shallows to get there. Open the chest to collect 4 Remedies, 2 Elixirs, 8 Rising Suns and 1 Oak Staff. 

Go back now through the grotto and follow the eastern mountains past North Gate to reach Burmecia: Realm of Eternal Rain.
You can really see the evidence of the heavy battle that took place before we could get here.  When you enter the gates you’ll see an overturned cart. Search around it for the Cancer Stellazio. In this city you can encounter Magic Vices. Quina can learn Magic Hammer from this guy. Head north to the next section and we will once again have to tolerate Zorn and Thorn. They send some more Type A’s after us (you’d think they’d have learned from last time).  Now you can go into the ground floor door or the door on top of the stairs. Now, logic will tell you to take the door closest to you on the ground floor. Resist that logic. Go first into the door at the top of the stairs. Hidden by the stairs in this room is a chest with a Soft. Go up the stairs and heal up before approaching the chest in the corner. It’s a Mimic as you’ll find out when you move to open it. When you’ve beaten this guy go through the door on the left, Keep going left to the next room. In order to get the chest in this room you must WALK across the floor, not run. Pick up the Germinas Boots in this chest and walk back across. Now walk back across it to make it fall and form a bridge below you. Now go back down to the original two doors and this time go in the ground floor door. To the right of the door is another chest with a Soft. Next, beside the statue to the left upon entering is a chest with a Potion. Go up the stairs and across the new bridge and approach the Mimic (after you’ve healed of course). Go through the next room and “Go out on the Balcony.” In the next room, the dying soldier tells you to get the bell on the other side of the bed, so get the Protection Bell from the other side of the bed and go back through the window and go back out to the screen under the windows and up the stairs, through the door and through the door at the top left of the screen. Ring the bell at the door  and proceed.

After another introspective moment, head up the stairs into the next section of this once proud city. First go into the door at the moment for a heroic incident with a Burmecian couple. Next head up the stairs and over the fallen statue to the door on the left. Grab the tent and potion just inside the next room and proceed around the balcony, past the door to another Mimic. Go through the door after you’ve put the Mimic in its place. In the next rainy area, go through the door on the left first to trigger a short sequence during which Freya will finally obtain the Mythril Spear. Next pass through the door on the right to meet Atla. Stiltskin will be there too with stuff for you to purchase. BUY! You have a letter for Atla and she should have a letter for you to deliver. She also has an equipment/item shop. Lastly there’s a chest at the end of the room with the Lightning Staff.  Oh and for giving Atla her letter, you will receive another Kupo Nut. Equip both the Mythril Spear (Reis’ Wind 40) and the Lightning Staff (Thundara 50, Poison 35).

3 Magus Hats
2 Barbuts

It’s time for more grinding. Your goal now is to let everyone learn the available abilities from the Coral Ring, Germinas Boots and the Yellow Scarf, teach Quina Add Status with the Glass Buckle and the Feather Hat as well as the abilities from their respective equipment. Give Freya a Barbut that you should have purchased from Atla. During the grinding phase, go ahead and take the Kupo Nut back to the Moogles in Gizamaluke’s Grotto. Meet me back in Burmecia when you are through with that and have everyone on their best equipment.

Recommended Equipment
Zidane – The Ogre, Magus Hat, Glass Armlet, Bronze Vest, Yellow Scarf
Vivi – Lightning Staff, Magus Hat, Glass Armlet, Magician Robe, Glass Buckle
Freya – Mythril Spear, Barbut, Mythril Gloves, Linen Cuirass, Coral Ring
Quina – Needle Fork, Magus Hat, Glass Armlet, Cotton Robe, Glass Buckle

Recommended Abilities
Zidane – Man Eater, Bright Eyes, Bandit, Antibody
Vivi – Auto-Potion, Antibody
Freya – Man Eater, Level Up, Bright Eyes, Antibody
Quina – High-Tide, Millionaire, Antibody

Welcome back. Before we head onto progress with the plot, heal up at the moogle and save. Now, leaving Atla, go up the stairs in the center of this screen to start the next automatic sequence. As soon as this automatic scene is over we will be thrown into the boss of this area.
After the battle we are treated to a short scene and this cryptic FMV.

You will then be prompted to save your game. Do it and exit the screen to see this lovely picture.
You’ve done it. You have finished Disc 1. Congratulations. We will pick up next time on Disc 2 in Chapter 9: South Gate Bundt Cake.

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