Friday, December 16, 2011

Chapter 4: Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, From Evil Forest to Dali We Go

From where you start off on the world map twirl the camera with the L1/L2/R1/R2 buttons to make it so Zidane is at the bottom of the screen. Turn right and follow the right side of the mountain until you get to North Gate at the end. As it says in the map there are two chests to retrieve here. Get them and leave. Twirl the camera again til Zidane is at the bottom of the screen and once again follow the right side of the mountain until you reach the Ice Cavern. It might be a good idea to get Garnet some levels though since she’s starting at 1. Ice Cavern will give more AP though so actual grinding can wait until then. Oh, and don’t forget to equip Garnet with a hat and an arm band. She comes with the Rod (Cure 30, Panacea 15, Protect 30) and a Silk Shirt (Cure 30).
Enter the Ice Cavern. The first thing you’ll notice is jets of cold air being blown at regular intervals. Run into the blowing air will trigger a battle. This is the perfect time to Level/AP grind for Garnet. Run up the ramp and to the cliff just above the chest to receive the chance to jump down to open it. Take Treasure 1 (Tent) and jump down and go back up the ramp and to the end of the corridor onto the next screen. Take a short detour left until you see the “!” symbol. Vivi will then reveal Treasure 2 (Ether). Don’t go up the left staircase quite yet but rather through the secret passage directly beside it to reach Treasure 3 (Potion). Go back through the secret path and up the stairs and to the next screen. This is an interesting area. First take the left path and have Vivi reveal Treasure 4 (Elixir). Backtrack and go up the stalactite to get 5 (Potion). Go back down it and have Vivi change its direction to go down. Go down the stalactite now to get 6 (Mage Masher). Follow the path up now to the next screen. 7 (Phoenix Down) is to the right. Take the left most path and have Vivi melt the ice at the end to reveal a secret passage to 8 (Leather Wrist). That’s all the treasure for this area so let’s proceed. At the next fork, turn left and melt the moogle in the next room. This foul-mouthed little dude will send us into “Teach Me Mogster, Lesson 2.” When you’ve gotten out of it, make sure to get a letter from the moogle, use a tent, and save. Now go back and take the right hand path to trigger an automatic sequence.
When you have control again take Zidane up into the next room. I hope you’re healed up because you’re about to face a battle with only Zidane. His comrades at the moment are unconscious from the cold.

After trouncing the Black Waltz and melting the Sealion, go back to your friends who are now waking up. After a short automatic scene, go back into the room where you fought those two and follow the path up and out. If you were able to steal the Mythril Dagger, go ahead and equip it on Zidane.

Now that you are out in the sunlight, after a short conversation you are given the chance to give Garnet her alias because it’s too dangerous for them to use her real name. Inspired by Zidane’s weaponry, she takes the name Dagger by default. Once again though, you can name her whatever suits your fancy.

Once back on the world map there’s a couple things you should take notice of between here and Dali Village. To the left of your current location is South Gate. This place has no purpose at this time move on. Next is the little building on the edge of the cliff outside Dali. This is Morrid’s place, the Observatory. Talking to him and looking at the Prima Vista model will start a new side quest which you will have to complete before Disc 4 else wise you will lose the chance forever, or at least until you start a new game. Morrid will ask you to collect 3 rare coffees; Burman, Kirman and Moccha. I will guide you to each one when it is most convenient in your main quest. In this location there is also one last treasure over by the fence overlooking the cliff, in the corner between the fence and the mountain.

Next are the forests dotting the landscape. From this moment forward, you will have to chance meet up with what are known as Friendly Creatures. When you enter a battle and hear a sweet little music box rather than the usual battle theme, you have found one. This creature will ask you for a specific type of stone. In exchange they give free AP, gil, items and give you a heads up on beating the game’s optional Super Boss later in the game. Appearing in the forests outside Dali, you can meet up with Friendly Mu who will ask for an ore. For this you will get 10 AP. Before finding him make sure you have the Mythril Dagger on Zidane and the Iron Helm on Steiner.

You might also meet up with the Ragtime Mouse. When you meet this silly looking creature, he will ask you a trivia question pertaining to little facts you might otherwise miss during the game. You can meet up with him up to 4 times on disc 1. For answering his questions correctly you will receive much gil, many much gil.

Finally the little houses with the windmill, that’s Dali Village which your next destination and where we will pick up next chapter. Between now and then I highly recommend you max out the abilities on Steiner's equipment because after Dali Village you will not have control of him in battle again until disc 2 Thank you so much and stay tuned for Chapter 5: Dali Village and The Great Escape.

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