Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chapter 2: Alexandria Castle and Prima Vista Revisited

Alexandria Castle
Treasure Checklist
_Ether* _Elixir*_Silk Shirt* _Moonstone* _X gil _Elixir _Phoenix Down
*=You will only receive one of these four items
X= Depends on how well you perform in the Follow Me-style Swordfight Mini-Game
When you next gain control, you will be immediately thrown into a second boss fight. Do not worry though, this is considered yet another tutorial battle helping you get used to the battle mechanics.

King Leo; Level 1 [HP: 188] [MP: 233]
There’s not much strategy needed for this battle, just hit him and have done with it. The steal command is replaced with the SFX command which, while the abilities look pretty and impressive, does nothing useful. Cinna will likely die again as he is weaker than an overcooked noodle in battle. Once again, don’t worry about him and just hit the boss. Hit him a lot and he will go down.

After the battle Zidane and his pal Blank jump off the stage and into the crowd to perform a choreographed sword fight. This is a cute little mini-game which will allow the player to get more used to the controls. Do what Blank says and try not to wig out if you miss a button otherwise you’re likely to miss even more in your panic (voice of experience). The number of people you please, and how well you please the queen determines your prize at the end.
At first glance, I know you’re thinking you want that Moonstone. It has to be the best of the prizes right? Wrong! You will find a few other Moonstones later and it’s not even useful at this point in the game. You want the Silk Shirt. It is the best piece of Light Armor in the game at this point and it halves the damage dealt by Thunder Magic. Go for the Silk Shirt. If you don’t get the right score at the end of the mini-game you get the choice to try again. You will also receive gil depending on how well you did.

When you have control of Zidane again go up the stairs to trigger the next little automatic scene. It doesn’t matter which dialogue you choose during this scene as the outcome is the same. It is during this automatic sequence that we will meet our next playable character; Adelbert Steiner, Captain of the Knights of Pluto. He is the only character who is actually addressed by his surname and not his given name.

When you regain control of Steiner, first follow the two incompetent knights (Blutzen and Kohel) and talk to them to send them on their search. This is part of another little mini-game, the goal of which is find ALL the Knights of Pluto. You will also find in this room, in the corner by the beds, a phoenix down. You may also save at the moogle in this room, Mosh. Leave the room.

Go back up the spiral staircase and down to go to the screen with the queen. Talk to the queen to receive your prize for the swordfight game. Leave the screen and go back down the staircase and out the open door at the top of the screen. When you go to one side of the screen you will see a soldier running around, but when you get close to him he goes to the opposite side. What do you do? You wait in the center of the balcony and when he’s almost to one of the doors, RUN up to him and talk to him (Dojebon). Go through the door on the right and to the table at the far right of the screen to talk to the next knight (Mullenkedheim). Leave and go up and down the grand staircase. Turn left at the bottom of the screen to enter the library. The next knight (Laudo) is looking at the books on the last staircase. Talk to him. Tell him he can’t leave and to get looking. Leave the library but WAIT! Go back into the library and check out the aisles between the bookshelves, mashing the X button until you find him again. Now you got him on your scoreboard. NOW you can proceed. There’s nothing of interest in the room to the right so proceed downward and out of the castle. The next dude (Haagen) is sitting on the stairs looking down at the water. If you go off to the right, you’ll reach a tower which is guarded by a mysterious nameless knight who tells Steiner that the princess has not come this way. Go to the left tower now to find Weimer talking to hot Alexandrian Knight. Stop his flirting and send him on his way. Enter the tower and continue straight and up a large spiral staircase (boy this castle has a lot of stairs) and talk to the last knight (Breireicht) a few times to receive your prize for this mini-game, an Elixir. He will list off all the knights and their personalities. Their personalities have a lot of weight on a choice you will have to make much later in the game. Don’t bother trying to remember, I will tell the right answer when the time comes. After this, continue up the tower and out onto the balcony to advance the game

Prima Vista Revisited
Treasure Checklist

_Phoenix Down _Phoenix Down
You should now be in control of Zidane. Your goal, follow the princess. Upon entering the Prima Vista, the princess knocks Ruby down who proceeds to scold her. Zidane comes in. Talk to Ruby who then proceeds to scold Zidane. After the princess runs down the stairs and you are able to get away from Ruby, follow her. After a short scene, Cinna will direct you back into the room where they discussed the plan earlier that day. Conveniently, he built an escape hatch under the table. They jump down just in time for Steiner to miss them. Mysterious Unnamed Knight, who proceeds to try jumping down the hatch to chase after them, accompanies Steiner. However, Mysterious Unnamed Knight gets stuck in the hatch forcing Steiner to leave to try and find another way.

After arriving in the engine room of the Prima Vista you will see a device with a rotating switch. Turn the switch to the left to make one treasure fall. After being scolded by Cinna, turn the switch to the right to make another one fall down. Go down the stairs to find the chests. One contains a Phoenix Down and the other a Pinion. Remember what I said about those pinions.

Now proceed back up the stairs and through the door. In the next room you are confronted by Steiner. Mysterious Unnamed Knight joins us and reveals himself to be none other than Blank. Yeah, like you didn’t see that coming.

The fight ends with us as the victor and we escape into the next room and it is automatic sequence time. Sit back and prepare to be amused. After a few laughs and eye rolls at Steiner’s inept on the stage and Vivi’s clumsiness we end up in yet another boss fight with Steiner. Nothing has changed except a infinitesimal increase to his HP and MP and the fact that he’s brought some friends. There’s no point in even including a guide on him. He has nothing to steal this time so just go nuts. After the battle, it's time to get the heck out of dodge.

Time for the last fight with Steiner. This battle is timed and will end when it ends. Just attack. Use Garnet to heal but don't worry about using Vivi's MP, there's no point. Just use physical attacks.

Thank you all for reading and I hope this chapter has been most helpful. We will start off next time with the aftermath of the escape. Tune in tomorrow for Chapter 3: Evil Forest

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