Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chapter 3: Evil Forest

When we last left our intrepid heroes, the Theater/Thief Troupe Tantalus was making their harrowing escape from Alexandria Castle with Princess Garnet, Vivi and Captain Steiner. Brahne had fired a large Bomb at the escapees and it had exploded but the Prima Vista still managed to get away somehow. And now the continuation.

Once we have control of Zidane again, a moogle flies over and introduces the ATE feature and we will be allowed to watch just what’s happened to Garnet and Vivi. Afterwards search the pile of goodies to find a Phoenix Down. Exit the screen stage right through the hollow log. This is the first area where you will encounter random battles. Fight every one of them, steal at least once per battle, once from each monster would be even better. Follow the straight forward path to the right and onto the next screen where we face our first boss that will need a little be strategy for a change. Be sure to equip Zidane with the Mage Masher, keep him on the Leather Shirt to keep learning Protect Girls.

The Prison Cage will take off, but it’s not over yet as another Prison Cage captures Vivi. Begin the next Boss Battle.

After the battle and its aftermath, you will find yourself back at the Prima Vista for Automatic Sequence time. When you control Zidane grab first the chest beside Baku for the Bronze Gloves. Leave the room to get access to a series of ATEs. After you’re through with them go down the stairs and grab the chest on the left then go back right to speak to Blank who tells you that Vivi would like to talk to you. Go through the door on the right. Get the chest just inside the door for an Ether. Go by the ladder and hit X when you see the “!” to go up to the top bunk. At the top of the beds go up to the wall and watch for the “!” to retrieve a cache of 116 gil then proceed back down the ladder. Lastly, talk to Vivi. Leave after the short conversation to get another short auto-scene. You can choose to Go After Her or Forget Her. Fortunately this a “But Thou Must” situation and you have to go save Garnet. Zidane tells Blank’s his intentions and he’s instructed to go tell Baku. Go through the door to the left and right inside, at the bottom of the screen is a chest with an Ether. Go down the stairs and check the back of the room where you found the first treasures at the beginning of the game for a Rubber Helm. Go out the southern door and turn right to get the chest at the end of the corridor to grab a Leather Hat. Backtrack to the previous room and go through the door to the right to talk to Baku. Zidane tells Baku that he’s leaving to save Garnet and Baku informs Zidane that he has to punish him first. Before you follow Baku back to the bigger room grab the chest hidden slightly by some shelves at the bottom of the screen for a Potion. Now go back into the big room and face the Boss one last time.

After kicking Baku where it hurts go back up the stairs and into the door directly at the top to get Steiner. After talking a little with Steiner go back into the room and grab the Ether from the chest then go back to the bedroom where Vivi is waiting. Steiner talks Vivi into joining them and the game goes on. Go back outside the ship and you will see Cinna. Talk to him to purchase healing items if you wish. However, SELL NOTHING! This is very important. SELL NOTHING!!! Not even excess equipment. Don’t do it! Although to be honest, you could sell your ethers without issue. Talk next to the moogle to get a letter from Ruby. Now is a very good time to save your game as well. The only one who needs healing is Zidane, just use a potion on him instead of wasting a tent. Equip the Silk Shirt on Vivi to start him learning Thunder and the Leather Wrist to start him on Blizzard. You’ll notice he’ll learn Fire twice as fast because he has two pieces of equipment that can teach Fire. Yes Virginia, equipment abilities STACK. Give the Bronze Gloves to Steiner. Equip all abilities, you have enough ability stones so you might as well. Advice: Buy Eyedrops. There is a beasty in here that can inflict darkness on your characters and darkness works in this game.
Now follow the path you took to get to the Prison Cage earlier where you can view an ATE. Follow the straight forward path until you reach an area with a little pond and a moogle hiding in a log. You have a letter for this moogle, Monty if you remembered to get the letter from Kupo at the beginning. He also has a letter for you to read together, from Stiltskin. Save if you want. The pond is a healing spring. Thus in the screen just past this area it is highly recommended that you take some time to grind for levels. Personally, I like to grind for AP to max out the abilities on the equipment I currently have on and then switch out. Grinding for that AP you will gain plenty of levels this way. Once you’re through teaching Steiner all the abilities on his beginner equipment, put on the Iron Sword and the Rubber Helm and go ahead and teach him Minus Strike. By now you should be somewhere around Level 7. Drink up at the Healing Spring, save at the Moogle, heal any status ailments, and proceed past the next screen to receive this creepy FMV.

Before entering the ominous looking cave make sure you’re all healed up one last time because you’re about to encounter your next boss fight.

The Plant Brain goes down but we’re not out of the woods yet. Pick up Garnet and book it out of there. Plant Spiders pursue you. They are weak to fire, end of story. To take a line from Final Fantasy VI: “Run run run or you’ll be well done”. Just keep running down the pre-laid path and fighting Plant Spiders until the game takes over.

After the automatic sequence, Monty shows up and gives you the Moogle Flute. This flute will enable you to summon a Moogle on the World Map by pressing the square button on the controller. You are also thrown into "Teach Me Mogster" an optional tutorial section explaining facets of the gameplay mechanics. To get out of it, select the option "NOTHING" and it will end for now. Mwahaha.

This is where I will end it for today. Thank you so much for reading and subscribing and keep an eye out for Chapter 4: Ice Cavern

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