Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chapter 1: Prima Vista and Alexandria

Treasure Check List:
__47 Gil

After this beautifully mastered opening cutscene we control our main character, currently a nameless boy with blonde hair and a tail. We are now in the main cabin of the Prima Vista and our objective is to light the pretty candle in the center of the room. HOWEVER we have two treasures to find first. You must find these now or you will not find them later. Trust me, take the time to find every treasure you possibly can as it will effect some events later on.

Now, in this game not all treasure is plainly visible nor always in an elegant little treasure chest. Some are very well hidden. So well hidden that you have to actually be right on top of them before you get a little ! or ? at which point you press the confirm button (X if you like most people have not yet thought to change the configuration if that is your wish) and unearth the treasure. In this case walk to the very BACK of the room and search the little corners opposite each other


And Here
Now, return to the center of the room and light the candle to advance the game.
You will be prompted to name your main hero. His default name is Zidane but you can name him whatever you want. After a brief conversation you will be thrown into the classic Tutorial Boss Battle with:

|| BOSS: Masked Man ~HP: 180 ~ AP: --- ~ GIL: --- ||
|| '-STEAL: Potion, Wrist, Mage Masher ||
|| ||
|| ATTACKS: ||
|| ||
|| Oww! ------> falls over (does nothing) ||
|| Gwahaha! --> weak physical damage (single) ||
|| Get some! -> weak physical damage (single) ||
Yes, enemies now have more than 1 possible item that you can steal. My advice: STEAL! Have everyone steal until you have all three items. It may take awhile but it is worth it. For that matter, steal at least once every battle no matter what. Jak's job is thief, make use of it. Cinna will likely die, don't worry about him, he sucks in battle anyway. Heal if you absolutely must with your potions but you shouldn't have to, this guy is not that hard. Once you have all three items, just wail on him for a few rounds and he'll go down without any trouble at all.

After the boss battle, you will be taken into the next room and given a short debriefing of your mission. When prompted you can either choose dialogue 1 or Dialogue 2. Choosing Dialogue 1 can be amusing, especially if you take the time to choose the same answer 66 times. Dialogue 2 is the one you want to move on with the plot.
We now get another, beautifully mastered cutscene because apparently the first one wasn't enough of an opening.

¯| ITEMS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯
| _ _ _ |
| |_| Zombie Card |_| Potion |_| Lizard Man Card |
| |_| Sahagin Card |_| Potion |_| Potion |
| |_| Fang Card |_| Potion |_| 33 Gil |
| |_| Goblin Card |_| Potion |_| 27 Gil |
| |_| 38 Gil |_| Ether |_| Phoenix Pinion |
| |_| Eye Drops |_| 3 Gil |_| Potion |
| |_| Tent |_| Ironite Card |_| Fang Card |
| |_| Bomb Card |_| Goblin Card |_| Skeleton Card |
| |_| Fang Card |_| 29 Gil |_| 63 Gil |
| |_| 92 Gil |

Now we are in control of yet another currently nameless character and we are in Alexandria. Nameless Character promptly trips, setting up an entire game of clumsy moments from this adorable little guy as a sort of running gag. Once you are able, go backwards to another screen. It should look like this.

Just like the last sequence, we have some treasure to find. Walk in a complete circle, hugging the walls to find treasures 3, 5, and 6 on your map. 

Treasure 3

Treasure 5
Treasure 6
Walk up to the statue for Treasure 4.
Treasure 4
Have you found all the treasure in the section, great, let's move on. Go back the way you came and just keep walking. Hug the left wall to find Treasure 1 as it's labeled on your map.
Treasure 1

Proceed directly to the right and into a little house. Find Treasure 9, a whole 9 gil by the bed. Directly to the right of the ladder you will find Treasure 7, a potion. Yes another potion, these are invaluable at this time. Go up the ladder for Treasure 8 in the little dresser. Leave the little house from whence you came. Proceed up along the path where you will be inevitably tripped by an annoying little rat-kid who has obnoxious down to an art. Keep going to find Treasure 2 among some fruit crates on the left wall. We are now outside the Tavern. Once again hug the wall, this time the one closest to the screen, to find Treasures 10 and 11. 33 gil in the patch of grass to the right and a Goblin Card on the patch of grass to the left. Before you enter the Tavern be sure to talk to the little Hippo Kid next to the left patch of grass. Inside the Tavern, Treasure 12 is in the right corner, 13 is in the left corner (a barrel with a green glass on top) and 14 is next to the door on the left. Leave the Tavern and continue on to the next screen. Hope you remembered to talk to the Hippo Kid. The next treasure is in the Item Shop on the right side of the screen, incidentally the only shop actually SELLING anything at the moment. The bounty we are looking for is on the right of the shop by what looks like a gate-thing. You can make a few item purchases now if you want to, however, you really don't need to. Leave the item shop and go back again and talk to the Hippo Kid. Then proceed back to the screen with the item shop and up into the town square. DO NOT approach the Ticket Booth yet. I can't stress that enough, don't do it! Instead proceed into the shops on the right hand side of the screen. They aren't selling anything yet but they do hide some more hidden treasure. Treasure 16 is in the first of the shops, again hugging the right wall of the shop. Proceed through the door at the top of the screen. Now, be very very careful and walk back slowly until you see the ! Going too far will take you back a screen. When you are successful in doing this you will pick up Treasure 29, a valuable remedy. Save this. Save all healing items for now. You have unlimited inventory space, so don't worry.

We have picked up about half of the treasures in this place so far. Leave the shops and walk to the back of the screen, to the left side you should see a cart or at least part of a cart. Go up to the cart to get Treasure 17, a Phoenix Pinion. These treasures are getting better and better. Definitely save Phoenix Pinions if you like living through tough bosses later in the game. Don't even use them in battle, a Phoenix Down will do the same thing.

Now proceed downward to the bottom left of the screen. You may see some girls doing jump rope. You can choose to take part in this little Mini-Game, but personally I don't like to as the rewards aren't that great. Leave the screen via the bottom left corner. The alley has nothing so just keep going downwards. Hopefully once you enter the next screen, a little girl will come running out of the first house. If she does not just start going backwards to the next screen. If she doesn't come out, go back to the next screen and reenter. Repeat until she leaves the house. She must be out of the house to access Treasure 19. Once you have successfully gotten her to leave the house, enter it. Treasure 18 is on the bottom floor, in the corner by the stove. Treasure 19 is on the second floor, beneath the window. If the little girl has not left the house, she will be standing on the stairs and you will be unable to pass her. Leave the house and go down to the pier then turn left going up a ramp to talk to a little boy who has lost his kitten. We want to find his kitten. Where is he? He's all the way back at the Entrance of Alexandria. On the way back, Hippo Kid (Hippaul) is now in the square, across from where Treasure 17 was hidden. Talk to him again to learn that he has hidden his three precious cards. When you have found the kitten, now go all the way back to the pier and talk to the boy again to get another card. Now enter the church and climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder, pull the rope to ring the bell and cause a chest to drop down. Inside this chest are Hippaul's precious cards. Wow this game promotes stealing at every turn doesn't it? Back down the bottom of the ladder, directly inside the entrance to the church is Treasure 21. Treasure 20 is under the first window on the right. By now you should have all but Treasures 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28. We are in great shape and ready to move along. Go back to the square (Ticket Booth Screen) and approach the Ticket Booth. You may ask a series of questions but ultimately you want to show the guy your ticket. Oh no, it's a fake whatever shall we do now. The guy thinks he can cheer us up by giving us three cards (26, 27, and 28). Yeah, that's gonna make up the dough we spent on this thing, sure. He instructs us to find Alleyway Jack who can explain the whole Card Thing. Now go back through the corridor on the bottom left corner of the screen, back into the alley where someone is hammering up a sign. As ???? boy walks through he trips, supposedly distracting the man, making him miss the sign and yell at ???? boy. Once the man has finished hammering up the sign, he leaves and Rat Kid returns to offer ???? boy a chance to see the play in return for becoming his slave (helping him out rather). We can say no, but that will not get us anywhere, so say yes. He will instruct you to watch for someone coming. Tell him it's all clear and he will pilfer the ladder. Don't follow him yet, instead wait and talk to the next man to enter the screen. 

This is Alleyway Jack and he will take you to the Tavern to explain Tetra Master, the card mini-game. Note, you will really only have to play this game 3 times to get any kind of reward and you only get it late in the game. After you've learned all you wish to from Alleyway Jack, go back to the church (you remember where that is don't you? If not, follow the provided map). After talking a little with Rat Kid, try going up the ladder. You will be promptly smooshed by a UFO, an unidentified FALLING object. This object turns out to be a moogle called Kupo. He explains saving and tents to you. Before proceeding, talk to him about MogNet and agree to deliver a letter for him to Monty. You will also meet Stiltskin. You will continue to meet him periodically throughout the game and he will offer to sell you stuff. BUY THEM!!! Every single time!!! You will have plenty of gil and the rewards at the end of this side quest will be entirely worth it. Save your game and move on up the ladder.

Once you are on the rooftops, cross the planks precariously placed across them. The first one will hold but the second one will fall, meaning if you didn't save at Kupo or get his letter, or get any of the other treasures, you're not going to get them now. However, if you are following this walkthrough you have gotten every treasure up to this point, so you're good.

Speaking of treasure, on the second rooftop, after Rat Kid runs off again, go down and to the bird's nest behind you for some gil. Run back up for some more dialogue and you will be allowed to name Pointy-Hat Kid. By default, his name is Vivi. Follow Rat-Kid now named Puck and first go down the stairs and across to 2 other roofs with another bird's nest for more treasure. Go back up the stairs and go across to the roof directly in front of the house with the stairs. Go to the bird's nest at the top of the screen for the final treasure in the City of Alexandria. Now go follow Puck up into the castle for an illegal seat to see the grand performance.

I hope you all found this chapter to be informative and helpful. Next time: Chapter 2: Alexandria Castle

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