Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chapter 26: Disc 4, Sidequest Completion (for the most part)

After some story line, we are now able to use the Invincible. It operates the same way as the last one did. What we want to do first is enter the ship. Down the stairs, you will see a chest. This has the last Stellazzio, Pisces. Pick it up. Return to the bridge and retake control of the ship. Your party right now should consist of Eiko, Quina and Zidane.

Our first stops are Burmecia and Dali. We want to pick up the fixings for the Cotton Robe Trick and we want to do this a few times around. On the way, stop at Daguerreo to talk to the old guy on the third floor by the many shelves of books. He mentions wanting to see the Magical Fingertip before he dies. This triggers the quest to get one of the rarest swords in the game. There is one that is even more rare, so rare that it practically requires cheating to get it. We don’t want to cheat.

Hit all of the Qu’s Marshes and catch frogs. You should be up to 99 at the last marsh. When you hit 99, Quale appears to battle us as Quina’s final test. You want equipment that absorbs or nullifies Water. The Ribbon is a good piece of equipment for this. 
Before stopping in Burmecia, go ahead and go to Alexandria. In the church, buy Stiltskin’s last round of stuff. Talk to him again and if you have gotten every single Stiltskin’s Steals, he will gift you a Ribbon. Talking to Kupo about Mognet will initiate the Help Mognet Central sidequest. The first letter in this sequence goes to Atla, who is in Burmecia. Since we have to talk to her to buy 99 Steepled Hats, it made more sense to get her letter first. She will give us a letter to take to Mogryo in the Black Mage Village.

Head to Dali and buy 99 Wrists before going to Treno. In Treno, we first want to sell four of the key items we won in the auction house back in disc 2. The fat nobleman will buy one of them, the adventurer (a Burmecian) will buy two (you will have to go out and come back to the screen) and the scholar in the Synth Shop will buy the fourth. Doing this will make the Magical Fingertip appear in the Auction House. This thing will run you about 55,000 to 60,000 gil.

Talk to the Queen to drop off what should be the last Stellazzio. She however feels that one is missing. Agree with her. She will return all twelve coins to you and instruct you to bring them back with the missing coin. The missing coin is located in the same place we found Scorpio earlier, the Ophiuchus. Take all the coins back to the Queen and she will give us the Hammer. We will find a special Synth Shop later where we can turn this into Tin Armor but we don’t want to do that because we ultimately want the extra ending scene and we need the Hammer to get it.

Also while in Treno fight the Behemoth. Give Zidane the Sargatanas and use Soul Blade to petrify it, simple. You win a Circlet for your trouble. And believe me, you want to use the Sargatanas + Soul Blade trick because Behemoth has Meteor as it’s counter.

Head back to Daguerreo with the Magical Fingertip and show it to the old man on the third floor. He will give you the Excalibur, Steiner’s third best weapon. It will teach Climhazzard. Head to the Lost Continent and it’s Chocobo tracks. Summon Choco and ride it in the middle of where Shimmering Isle USED to be. Feed it a Dead Pepper (there are no bubbles to indicate where to dig) to find 10 Aquamarine, 1 Maximillian, 1 Invincible Card, and the ULTIMA WEAPON for Zidane.

Now we can take Choco back to Chocobo’s Paradise. After some scenes return to Chocobo’s Paradise and challenge the Fat Chocobo to a game of Tetra Master. Win. He will tell you how to use the world’s beaches to restore your health.

We now want to complete the Mognet Central quest. We’ve already delivered one and got another to take to Mogryo in the Black Mage Village. Mogryo will give us a letter for Kumool who is in Ipsen’s Castle. Kumool to Mois at the entrance to Fossil Roo (must have Quina). Mois to Noggy in Daguerreo’s  Synth Shop. Noggy gives us a letter to take BACK to Kupo in Alexandria. Deliver this letter and Kupo will tell us that someone in Alexandria has the Superslick we need. Who? Ruby has it. Talk to Ruby to get the item and take it to Mognet Central on the island near the Desert Palace. Follow the map if you’ve forgotten. Giving him the item will fix everything and we get a Protect Ring as our reward.

Alright, before we move on with the game we’re going to real quick buy 1 last Ribbon at the Treno Auction House. You might need over 100k to get it, so Cotton Robe trick if you have to. And be sure you are stocked! Ethers, Hi-Potions, Phoenix Downs, Tents, Status Remedies (Soft, Antidote, Magic Tag, Echo Screen, Eye Drops, etc). Once you’re in this area, we’re not coming out until much later (we will come out once and only once to face the optional super boss).

Your best party for this next section will be Zidane, Eiko, Vivi and Amarant. You want to equip Vivi and Amarant with Return Magic. Give everyone a Ribbon. Quina is another good member to use if she has Twister. Eiko is important because she has Phoenix, just in case. Amarant has Return Magic and his other various skills. Vivi also has Return Magic and his black magic but if you never got another Coronet to give him to learn Return Magic, switch him out for Quina. However, note, you want to use this next area to level him and the others up ALOT. You want to be at least in the 60s or higher (preferably higher).  Save your game! Take the Invincible to the Iifa Tree and at the very top you’ll notice a glowing purple light. Enter to initiate the next sequence.

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