Saturday, June 23, 2012

Chapter 19 Lindblum Redux Revisited

When we wake up in the guestroom, our first task is to grab the Egoist’s Armlet and the Elixir from the chests in this room. Next, talk to the moogle to get a letter and save (because although that last part was epic awesomeness, we really would like to progress with the game). Act like you’re going to leave the room to trigger Blank’s appearance. After talking to Blank, we can leave. Go to the elevator to Dragon’s Gate to get the Remedy hidden in the corner blind spot. Take the trolley next to Serpent’s Gate to find a chest with a Chimera Armlet (upper left corner of the available path). From here go back to the elevator and head to the telescope to see Dagger. After speaking to Dagger go to see the Regent in his chambers.

After the usual ATE’s, we learn that there might be a way to change Cid back to a person. However, we need three potions and its Zidane that has to get them. So get to the Air Taxi and take it to the Business District to begin our usual treasure hunt and shopping. Stop first at the inn and go up to the second floor to give Moodon his letter. Remember to save again (save frequently when you go through long spurts of exposition like this). Continue on to the pickle plaza. Look at the field on the left to find Sagittarius. In the Card Freak’s house you can pick up an Elixir and a Remedy. Go to the shop square and ask Alice about the potion to acquire the Beautiful Potion. Dragoo’s Weapon Shop now sells some new stuff. Time to spend some of that money that’s been burning a hole in your pocket. If you have the necessary items (99 wrists and 99 steepled hats) you can perform the Cotton Robe Trick to get extra dough if you need it.

2 Magic Rackets
Cypress Pile
Twist Headband
2 Mantra Bands
3 Dark Hats

Remember don’t waste your money on items. You can get them for much cheaper through Chocobo Hot & Cold. We’ll be able to play more later in just a little while, so patience.

After shopping, return to the Airship Taxi and go to the Theater District. Here we automatically get to talk to the Burmecians we saved at end of Disc 1. After meeting them and their children, go into the Artist’s House. Talk to the Artist and ask about the potion. He tells you that he’s never heard of it but if you find it, you can have it. Check the corner at the bottom of the stair case for the Strange Potion. There’s also a Lapis Lazuli in here as well as a chest with an Ore (if you didn’t get it at an earlier time). Head down the stairs next to the Airship Station to talk to Tantalus. Cinna will automatically offer up his Unusual Potion (suddenly, everything is making so much sense). Inside the Hideout, empty the chests to add gil to your wallet.

Take the potions to Cid’s throne room to see how it works. Well, back to the drawing board. We need to find Hilda in order to change him back. So now, he gets his shipwright to get a boat ready. 

Normally I suggest watching each ATE, however there is one coming up that can COST you money.  It is called No Free Lunch. If you view it and then go to the Business District, Pickle Square, you will find Quina and the stall owner will charge you a random amount of money. If you’re broke, you’ll get another ATE where Baku ends up having to pay the tab. However, you should have plenty of money so don’t view the ATE and keep your money.

Head to Serpent’s Gate and follow the path to the docks to board the Blue Narciss. After some more conversation we are given the option to choose our party members. Note: Dagger is now mute and as such will sometimes fail to perform in battle. However, this does not mean you shouldn’t choose her. She is still a great asset and you will still want to keep teaching her abilities and leveling her up for later. Put her in your party because she’s more useful to us now than she is later (meaning Eiko will take her place and have plenty of time to level up and learn new stuff). Also take Amarant and either Steiner or Freya because it is nearly grinding time once again. Amarant still needs to learn low level stuff and Steiner and Freya need to learn abilities off equipment that was gained after they left our party in disc 2.

We’ll leave off here for now. The next chapter will be all the side quests we can do at this point.

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