Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chapter 21 Sidequests Part 2 and Oeilvert

Today we are going on a hunt for Frogs, Blue Magic and Friendly Creatures. Blue Magic is listed above of course. Lanar Isle is the island beside the Ocean Chocograph Island with the Qu’s Marsh. There is a beach there. I recommend bringing the boat for this because you will need to switch Quina into your party (keep Dagger and Amarant, Steiner will get plenty of grinding time in a bit). Speaking of grinding time, we will be having more grinding sessions, at least one per area, from here on in.

Hit each of the marshes at this time and catch frogs. If the pond has a gold frog, leave it to help the spawning rate and leave a male and a female frog in each pond but catch the rest. You should reach at least 33+ and earn a Bistro Fork for your efforts. Hit the Mist Continent Qu’s Marsh first, since we’re right there. Do the Lanar Isle second. Grab the Blue Magic you can get there. Put either the Gaia Gear or the Feather Boots (coupled with Auto-Float) onto Quina and have her equipped with as many status preventions as possible (Gaia Gear would be better as it absorbs Earth elemental).

After learning the Blue Magic here, go to the Outer Continent’s Marsh. Get the frogs there and head back to the Black Mage Village to begin advancing the plot. If you have not met the Ladybug yet, this is where you do it. She wants ore.

Entering the Village we see that it has indeed been deserted, save for three Black Mages. If you missed the Black Belt here earlier, you can get it now. It’s in the Item Shop, climb the ladder and check the loft above. You’ll find Virgo in the Inn’s Bedroom. Outside the Weapon Shop, on the right side of the porch you can find an Elixir. The chest hiding in the Synth shop (blind spot behind the tall chair) has 2000 gil and climbing the ladder in the Synth shop, check the roof for 843 gil (upper left, hiding). Go to the Black Mage grave yard to talk to No. 288. When we’re done with him, go to the Chocobo Egg Hut for an event.

Head back to the Blue Narciss. Before you set out for Kuja’s place, I highly suggest getting the Lvl 5 Death Blue Spell from either the Zombie Whale or the Dracozombie at the Iifa Tree. Also meet the Nymph and the Yeti if you haven’t yet. The best place to find the Yeti is in the green spot in front of Madain Sari and the Nymph can only be found in the forest near the Iifa Tree. Hit triangle when on the ship to enter it. Speak to Cid to change your party and remove all the equipment and change your party to Zidane, Steiner, Freya and Eiko (equipping them of course with the weakest abilities to learn first). From the beach on the northern edge of the continent, turn right and hug the continent and dock at the first beach you come to. Walk to the left, across a thin section of land and you’ll find pits of quick sand. Watch the pits. Three of them will spit sand every few seconds. One will not, this is the right one. Enter it and hit X. WARNING: POINT OF NO RETURN

Zidane wakes up in a strange cell with strange metal floor. When we gain control of Zidane again, head straight down and the Black Mages will teleport you. Kuja talks to him and threatens him into doing as he wants. He wants us to go to the Forgotten Continent, to a place called Oeilvert and retrieve the Gulug Stone.
We have to pick our party again. Again, take Eiko, Steiner and Freya. We are teleported once more to Kuja’s airship station. You may encounter an enemy here with bouncy balls for heads, red, blue and yellow. If the red is on top, attack with magic. If the blue is on top, attack with physical attacks. Run over to the airship and we leave. When the airship lands, you cannot board the ship but you can talk to it to get Zorn and Thorn to open their item shop. Buy vaccines.

Before heading to Oeilvert, head towards the Qu’s Marsh but go past it. You will eventually reach a set of tracks. Call Choco because it is time to get the remainder of the available treasures.

Activate Forgotten Plains and from the Chocobo tracks head to the North-West peninsula. You’ll pass a giant pit with an odd structure inside but ignore it, pressing onward to the plains ahead of us. On the first rise, a few steps away from the second level you’ll find it and find out why I didn’t press getting the Demon’s Mail from Tantarian.
Using the map above, head to Dead Pepper Crack 2. You should be in Seaways Canyon when you reach it.

After hitting the crack with Pepper Power, head south just over another set of mountains to a forest with three tips, and hop off Choco to run around in the forest. I have the best luck finding the Jabberwock here. He wants the Emerald you got from Nymph and will give you the Moonstone, instructing you to find the Friendly Feather Circle next. Activate Dusk Plains after and head directly west from this forest to another set of mountains. On the southern face of these mountains you will find Dead Pepper Crack 3.
You will find in this crack, Freya’s best weapon in the game, the Dragon’s Hair.  From this last crack, head southward finding a set of cliffs with a spiraling cut through. Go over the tip to the “Dusk Plains” and hunt for the last treasure available to us. It will give us the Kaiser Knuckles, one of the best weapons for Amarant.

After, return to the path through the canyon. This will lead us to Oeilvert. Hop off Choco and head inside. Here will we grind for the characters we have in our party, since we have a moogle to rest at when we need to. Teach everyone the smaller abilities (you’re safe to wait to teach them the abilities that need between 150-200 AP to finish or even teach them as the plot goes on). Save when you are done (in fact, save every time you learn new abilities to keep from having to do it all over again if the worst should happen and the power go out or you get a game over). Meet me back here when you are ready to continue.
The moogle outside runs a shop and has a letter for you to give to a moogle inside.

Fairy Flute
Egoist’s Armlet x3
Green Beret x3
Diamond Gloves
Judo Uniform
Gold Armor

Recommended Setup
Zidane: Auto-Haste, Level Up, Ability Up, Locomotion, Bandit
Eiko:, Auto-Haste, Level Up, Ability Up, Jelly, Locomotion
Steiner: HP+10, Bird Killer, Stone Killer, Man Eater, Level Up, Ability Up, Jelly, Locomotion
Freya: HP+10, Bird Killer, Stone Killer, Man Eater, Level Up, Ability Up, Jelly, Locomotion

Zidane: Angel Bless, Green Beret, Thief Gloves, Gaia Gear, Protect Ring
Eiko: Tiger Racket, Green Beret, Egoist’s Armlet, Light Robe, Angel Earrings
Steiner: Diamond Sword, Genji Helmet, Gauntlets, Demon’s Mail, Feather Boots
Freya: Dragon’s Hair, Cross Helmet, Genji Gloves, Shield Armor, Running Shoes


After our shopping, head inside the building. NOTE: You will be unable to use magic in battle while you are here. So you’re probably wondering why I told you to bring Eiko. You’ll see. From the entrance turn right and head into a darkened room. A moogle and Stiltskin wait for us. BUY STILTSKIN’S STUFF! If you leave the area and move on with the dungeon and come back, he will be gone and you need to buy his stuff to get a prize later in the game. Run around the pit counterclockwise to reach the chest and grab the Gaia Gear.

You may run into a creature here called an Epitaph. Here’s a trick for getting loads of EXP from just one of these buggers. Have Eiko hit it with her flute. Out of it will pop a copy of one of the game’s playable characters. If the character is in your party, that character will be instantly killed. Kill the clone. Have Eiko hit the thing out again and another clone will pop out. Kill it. Hit Epitaph with the flute again and one more clone will pop out. Kill the clone, use a Phoenix Down on the character that killed (if any was) and use a Soft on the Epitaph.

Returning to the first room of the area, you see two chests. Get the one on the floor first (Remedy) before heading up the stairs to the second floor to grab the other chest (Rising Sun). Head through the door on the second floor.  Touch the orb in this room and collect the treasure (Elixir). Return to the first room again. This time take the door on the lower left. Collect the first chest (Diamond Sword) you come across and begin walking around the circle to collect the second to trigger the appearance of a strange hologram. Collect the second chest (Shield Armor)  and walk down the stairs on the bottom left. Collect the chest (Power Vest) at the right corner of this new room.

In this room, you see strange pillars of light. You can touch them but to progress you have to do so in the right order. In short from the top left to the bottom left. Each pillar will show an airship. The chest on the second floor of this room contains the Feather Boots. This unlocks the door on the second floor of this room. Watch out for Garudas as you climb this long winding staircase. They are nasty birds that can cast Stop and they also have an attack that will devastate your HP. If you run into one of these, forget stealing, use Thievery and all around just go nuts on it. Kill it before it can kill you. Climb the stairs until you reach a platform with a glowing orb. Touch it to initiate a short sequence.  Keep touching it until the ! icon doesn’t pop up again and proceed up the stairs. You’ll end up back in the west wing. Go through the door directly next to the door you’ve just exited. This is the Room of Faces. Another short sequence is triggered.

When the Faces are through speaking and we have control again, go the East Wing, where the moogle is. Save, Tent and equip everyone with Clear Headed and possibly equipment that helps against Wind Damage. Make absolutely sure that Eiko has learned Mini at the very least before we’re done here. Walk counterclockwise towards the door on the top-right. Hop on the platform in this next room and we’re sent spiraling down to a triangular pedestal. Approach it and make to take the stone and we’re thrown into the next Boss Fight with Ark.
After the battle, De-Equip everyone EXCEPT for Eiko. Leave her equipped with her best equipment, you’ll see why in a bit. Grab the Gulug Stone.

The POV switches back to the party at the Desert Palace. After some story line goes by we gain control of Cid, the Frog. Cross the bridge and go to the room on the far right. We come face to face with a caged hedgehog pie. We now engage in the worst mini-game of this game. It’s a rendition of Red Light, Green Light. Use the O button to move forward but only when the monster’s back is to you. You must be STOPPED when the Pie turns around to see you or you will go back to the beginning. Your goal is the key hanging on the edge of the monster’s cage. But it’s not enough to just get the key, we also have to put weights on the scale beside it. Put the Clay, Stone and Iron weights on the scale and climb on to use the key, stop the moving floor and save your friends. Note: the worst part of this mini-game is the timer. You have 6 minutes to do it all! And if you fail, it’s game over and the last save point was before Ark. Advice: Try really hard not to fail.

We get control of the party left at the Palace. If you took Eiko with you and left Steiner there, Steiner will be the leader. If you took both Eiko and Steiner with you, Vivi will lead. Equip the party (make sure to equip Body Temp and teach it to any who haven’t learned it yet) and return to the Hedgehog Pie room. Make sure you give Vivi the N-Kai Armlet. He MUST learn Water before the boss fight. Talk to the moogle. Save, Tent, Mognet.

We’ll leave it here for now and tackle the Desert Palace next time.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chapter 20: Sidequests Part 1

Your first location is Alexandria Harbor. Use the map here and the world map on your screen to find Alexandria. The cliffs below Alexandria on the ocean side should yield a cave which takes you to the docks. It’s at the North-East of the Mist Continent. Entering Alexandria, take the statue up. Exiting, you’ll see we’re back at the castle. Go to the fountain screen. In the rubble blocking the path to the castle proper is a Sapphire. In the rubble blocking the path to the eastern tower you can find a Peridot. And By the gondola on the left side, where one of the bells used to be, is an Opal.

Take the gondola back to the dock and check beside the destroyed platforms for 4832 gil and a Topaz. Head towards the square. Someone dropped 365 gil on the doorstep of the weapon shop. A remedy is hidden in the wall at the bottom of the screen. On the left side of the wall you can find an Amethyst. There is no weapon shop right now but you can find the Synthesis guy in the Theater Alley. Between the church and Ilia’s house you can find a tent. Check Kupo for mail and head to the town square. There is a little girl running around who has an Alexandria Card for you. South of that, near that cook you can find an Ether.
South of the ex-item shop you can lastly find a Sapphire near Ilia’s Grandma’s house, or what’s left of it. Go back to the harbor and leave Alexandria.


Our next stop is the medium sized island directly west of Lindblum. You’ll notice a cave there. However, you will need your chocobo. The small island just north of this bears a set of tracks to call your chocobo. You will see it’s not just a matter of going from island to island. No, you must follow the reef (carefully) north to the Western Continent, then back down to the lagoon. This is Chocobo’s Lagoon. 
Chocobo Lagoon

You can only dig up 4 chocographs here for the moment and each game is only 30 seconds with points doubled. It is also more difficult to dig here, for now. We want to get these four chocographs now. After, return to the the Chocobo Forest and call your chocobo again. 

Activate “Dawn Lagoon.” Follow the shore to the east until you can access the bay south of Treno. Search this area. You’ll know it’s the Treno area by the lighting.

Dawn Lagoon

After retrieving “Dawn Lagoon” head back to the Chocobo’s Forest to dig up 4 more chocographs there. You’ll notice that with Mountain Choco you can climb the two high places in this forest to check for chocographs. However, you should only do this after you’ve checked the first level completely. Getting this upgrade also unlocks Dead Peppers, which unlock Dead Pepper locations (as long as they are on land of course).  You will now dig up dead peppers (after digging up the first) on a regular basis. Save them for now.

Alright, now that we have those, we can now get to the Green Plains. However, there are a few locations between the Chocobo Forest and the Green Plains that we can visit now that we have Mountain Choco. Activate Forbidden Forest, that’s our first Chocograph for this journey. On the way stop at South Gate, both sides and both the ground and mountain levels. At the Bohden Gate Side (where Steiner and Dagger were at in the beginning of disc 2) we can now get the treasure we couldn’t get before. On top of the wagon, open the treasure for a Multina Racket and the Elixir Card (where was that when we were in that stupid tournament).  On the lower elevation, near Evil Forest you can find 2 Elixirs and 3206 gil. Mosco is here as well. You should also head back to Treno to get the Promist Ring and the Thief Gloves from the Auction House. If you need money, Atla in Burmecia sells Steepled Hats and of course Wrists are always at Dali, and now you can anywhere you need to with Mountain Chocobo.

Take Choco to the Forbidden Forest, marked on the Chocobo Game Map included in this chapter. It’s a forest surrounded completely by the mountain.
Forbidden Forest

 After retrieving the treasure here, activate Uncultivated Land, that’s the nearest chocograph now.  This Chocograph can be found in the oddly shaded terrain beneath where Alexandria is, beside the Evil Forest.

Activate now Green Plains, it is the next stop on our hunt. With this chocograph, we gain yet another upgrade, Ocean Choco.

Uncultivated Land

We will now return to Chocobo’s Lagoon, just use Choco for this now. However, on the way, stop by Quan’s Dwelling (Vivi’s home) and go to the broken grandfather clock screen. Look over the cliff to initiate the use of our first Dead Pepper. It’s on the way so it makes more sense to just go ahead. 

Green Plains
Dead Pepper Bubble 4
Back at Chocobo Lagoon, we can now search the rest of the small map and thus the price goes back to 60 gil per game. You can dig up three more Chocographs at this point in time.

NEXT CHAPTER (no more room lol)

Now that we have dug up all the Chocographs we can get at this time, it’s time to do some more digging. Leave the Lagoon and activate Ocean (it’s the closest). Along with the Chocograph Locations, we can also use the Dead Peppers we have now, except for a few on the Forgotten Continent (the continent nearest the Lagoon). Exiting the Lagoon, if you to the tip of the South-Eastern Continent and search the coves, you will find Dead Pepper Bubble 1.
Have Zidane use a Dead Pepper here by hitting the triangle button and selecting Use Dead Pepper. Now you can find the Ocean Chocograph by using the map provided and the picture given below. If you travel North from the Lagoon, on your chocobo, just past an island with a Qu’s Marsh (we’ll get there eventually people, one side quest at a time) is a long, skinny island with a beach, a single forest and a set of tracks. This is where you want to start. Align yourself and your screen just like it is in the picture to locate this chocograph.
 The next stop is Faraway Lagoon. Activate it and let’s mosey. From the Ocean location, go to the West and follow the shoals of the Forgotten Continent north until again. Again, use the map and the picture provided to help out.

Activate the Forgotten Lagoon now and go around north around the Forgotten Continent to a big island just west.

Activate the Cold Lagoon and go north from this location, around an interesting looking island to a continent all covered in snow. Follow the reef north-east, hugging the continent until you reach a “Cold Lagoon” shaped like the lagoon in the Hint Picture the game gives you. Check this area until you find the treasure.
Activate the Cold Field and follow the icy continent until you can get onto dry land. Search the middle part of the island where some of the land does not have snow.
There is also a Dead Pepper Crack here on this island. On the north-eastern most mountain, on the right side. Again refer to the picture I provide.
Activate now, Abandoned Lagoon. Start at the northern most tip of the icy continent. Between it and an island north of the Outer Continent, you find Dead Pepper Bubble 3.
Collect the treasure with the Dead Pepper and continue on to the aforementioned island. There’s a beach almost right away and you should see a mountain. Go the eastern side of the island, in a little corner and you’ll see a set of cracks. Use a Dead Pepper here to unlock Mognet Central. Inside here and up the stairs, sitting in a green chair on right side, is that purple moogle from the beginning of this disc. Talk to him. There is nothing else to do here now, but we will need this location later.
Continuing around the Outer Continent, between the south-eastern cliff and the Mist Continent is Dead Pepper Bubble 2.

Keep hugging the Outer Continent (remaining in the water) to find Abandoned Lagoon. You will find it at cliffs past Conde Petie. See below.

 The last chocograph we can locate is Sea at Dusk. Return to the Forgotten Continent part of the map and this go to the Central Eastern cliffs to find this.
And that is all of the Chocographs you can find for now. When you have gotten all these treasures, go back to the Blue Narciss (which you likely left back at the Chocobo’s Forest). If you did not, just use the flashing blue dot on the map to locate it. We will leave off here and continue with Frog Catching, Blue Magic Hunting, grinding, and even possibly continuing with the plot in the next chapter.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Chapter 19 Lindblum Redux Revisited

When we wake up in the guestroom, our first task is to grab the Egoist’s Armlet and the Elixir from the chests in this room. Next, talk to the moogle to get a letter and save (because although that last part was epic awesomeness, we really would like to progress with the game). Act like you’re going to leave the room to trigger Blank’s appearance. After talking to Blank, we can leave. Go to the elevator to Dragon’s Gate to get the Remedy hidden in the corner blind spot. Take the trolley next to Serpent’s Gate to find a chest with a Chimera Armlet (upper left corner of the available path). From here go back to the elevator and head to the telescope to see Dagger. After speaking to Dagger go to see the Regent in his chambers.

After the usual ATE’s, we learn that there might be a way to change Cid back to a person. However, we need three potions and its Zidane that has to get them. So get to the Air Taxi and take it to the Business District to begin our usual treasure hunt and shopping. Stop first at the inn and go up to the second floor to give Moodon his letter. Remember to save again (save frequently when you go through long spurts of exposition like this). Continue on to the pickle plaza. Look at the field on the left to find Sagittarius. In the Card Freak’s house you can pick up an Elixir and a Remedy. Go to the shop square and ask Alice about the potion to acquire the Beautiful Potion. Dragoo’s Weapon Shop now sells some new stuff. Time to spend some of that money that’s been burning a hole in your pocket. If you have the necessary items (99 wrists and 99 steepled hats) you can perform the Cotton Robe Trick to get extra dough if you need it.

2 Magic Rackets
Cypress Pile
Twist Headband
2 Mantra Bands
3 Dark Hats

Remember don’t waste your money on items. You can get them for much cheaper through Chocobo Hot & Cold. We’ll be able to play more later in just a little while, so patience.

After shopping, return to the Airship Taxi and go to the Theater District. Here we automatically get to talk to the Burmecians we saved at end of Disc 1. After meeting them and their children, go into the Artist’s House. Talk to the Artist and ask about the potion. He tells you that he’s never heard of it but if you find it, you can have it. Check the corner at the bottom of the stair case for the Strange Potion. There’s also a Lapis Lazuli in here as well as a chest with an Ore (if you didn’t get it at an earlier time). Head down the stairs next to the Airship Station to talk to Tantalus. Cinna will automatically offer up his Unusual Potion (suddenly, everything is making so much sense). Inside the Hideout, empty the chests to add gil to your wallet.

Take the potions to Cid’s throne room to see how it works. Well, back to the drawing board. We need to find Hilda in order to change him back. So now, he gets his shipwright to get a boat ready. 

Normally I suggest watching each ATE, however there is one coming up that can COST you money.  It is called No Free Lunch. If you view it and then go to the Business District, Pickle Square, you will find Quina and the stall owner will charge you a random amount of money. If you’re broke, you’ll get another ATE where Baku ends up having to pay the tab. However, you should have plenty of money so don’t view the ATE and keep your money.

Head to Serpent’s Gate and follow the path to the docks to board the Blue Narciss. After some more conversation we are given the option to choose our party members. Note: Dagger is now mute and as such will sometimes fail to perform in battle. However, this does not mean you shouldn’t choose her. She is still a great asset and you will still want to keep teaching her abilities and leveling her up for later. Put her in your party because she’s more useful to us now than she is later (meaning Eiko will take her place and have plenty of time to level up and learn new stuff). Also take Amarant and either Steiner or Freya because it is nearly grinding time once again. Amarant still needs to learn low level stuff and Steiner and Freya need to learn abilities off equipment that was gained after they left our party in disc 2.

We’ll leave off here for now. The next chapter will be all the side quests we can do at this point.

Chapter 18 Alexandria Under Siege

We open real quick on epic awesomeness with the attack of Bahamut. It’s hit the fan people, it’s hit the fan and it’s time to mobilize. Beatrix will call Garnet to give orders to the Knights of Pluto. Giving orders to certain pairs will net you points towards the Angel Earrings where as poor choices will net you one of the lower two prizes. Remember way back to the first disc where the one of the knights listed the personalities of all the knights? Yeah, you’re supposed to remember those personalities and use them to pair the knights with the necessary tasks. Assuming you don’t play 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you probably do not remember these (yeah this was NOT a well thought out idea). So to save you the agony of trying to remember all the way back, I’m going to give you the answers.

Gather Information---Blutzen & Kohel
Protect the Townspeople---Weimar & Haagen
Contact Lindblum---Breireicht & Laudo
Begin Preparations---Dojebon & Mullenkedheim

Do all that and you’ll get the Angel Earrings. Afterwards, Beatrix and Steiner are sent out to face the foe head on. Take her Cross Helm and give it to Steiner. Give him his good stuff (NOT THE REBIRTH RING) and equip Undead Killer and Insomniac. You wanna make it from the square to the screen just before the city entrance. You will face seven waves of Mistodons in this span. Heal up after the first three battles but be sure to heal IN battle during the last four because you will not get time in between. At the last battle, Steiner will auto-trance and his attack power will increase exponentially. Take advantage of it.

After the last battle we switch back to Garnet. Head towards the Queen’s Chamber but in the foyer between the rooms, take the left door instead. Keep heading up and up until the game takes over. 

The POV switches back to Zidane and his party aboard Cid’s airship.

After epic overload hits, we switch back to Zidane who arrives with his crew at the castle entrance. We will soon face an optional boss so be prepared.

Equipment and Abilities
Zidane: Angel Bless, Twist Headband, Bone Wrist, Chain Plate, Black Belt, Bandit, Antibody
Freya: Ice Lance, Gold Helm, Diamond Gloves, Plate Mail, Barette, Antibody
Vivi: Oak Staff,  Mage’s Hat, Magic Armlet, Magician Robe, Magician Shoes, Antibody
Amarant: Poison Knuckles,  Ritual Hat, Glass Armlet, Brigandine, Rebirth Ring, Antibody, Auto-Life

A few notes: Amarant has two abilities we want to make use of here. Chakra and Revive. Use them. And DO NOT have Counter equipped. That’s an absolute NO-NO for this upcoming fight. Let me repeat that: Thou Shalt Not Have Counter Equipped For This Battle! Be sure Zidane doesn’t have it equipped either.

It would be a very good idea to go the guardhouse (locker room type place from beginning) to save at the moogle. From the foyer, go left and into the west library. On top of one of the shelves is a book. Talk to it to trigger this boss fight. Here’s another tip, lead off by using a Tent on it to blind it and slow it down once you’ve opened the book.

Another method could involve having Vivi focus a few rounds and then using Fira on the revealed monster. But either way, we walk away with a ton of EXP, AP, gil and the Running Shoes (one of the best accessories in the game). If you don’t get the Demon Mail, don’t worry about it. This guy is HARD!

Okay, we never want to do that again so go back to the moogle at the guard house and save immediately. Right now! Don’t delay, just do it! As usual check mognet and then go the same way as Garnet. The game will take over and we’ll end this chapter with some more epic overload. Told you wading through all that exposition last chapter would be worth it.

Next time: Lindblum Revisited Redux

Off topic, thousands of innocent dogs and cats are euthanized every day because there just isn't enough room at the shelters for them. Save these poor babies. Adopt or foster.

Chapter 17 A Coronation, a Tournament, and Foreshadowing

Welcome back. Today we begin our chapter on a bittersweet note as we open on disc 3. Fair warning, this beginning drags. It is mainly exposition, treasure hunting and doing a meaningless sidequest or three. But once you get through the beginning, the wait will be well worth it.

Once we finally get control of Vivi, exit to the right. We are headed to Ilia’s Grandmother’s House. If you’ll recall, that was the house with the old woman at the spinning wheel. Watch ATEs on the way of course. We like ATEs. In Grandma’s house, if you didn’t get it earlier you can still get that 9 gil. Just outside of 
Grandma’s House is Hippaul and his mother. Hippaul’s mother is very concerned about her son playing too many cards and not exercising enough (oh great, now a VIDEO GAME is going to give us the healthy lifestyle lecture). She wants our help. Mini-Game time. To play, just mash the square and circle keys alternately. Every time you beat Hippaul he gains levels. When he reaches certain levels you win little prizes (sort of like the jump rope mini game from the beginning of the game). You can do this any much as you like. HOWEVER this only applies to right at this part of the game. Once you advance the plot, you can never do it again. Return back to the pub and this time take the path to the left. The Item Shop is now upgraded to the best stuff that can be bought. However, why buy items, we can basically get them for nothing playing the Chocobo game (which we’ll get to do more of soon, I promise, it’s  coming). Head instead to the square (remember the Ticket Booth) and go to the second shop on the right to enter the Weapon Shop. The shop directly to the right of this shop (follow the arrow) is the Synth Shop.

Shopping List:
Twist Headband
Ice Lance
Gold Helm (or two)
Plate Mail (or two)

Synth List
Angel Bless
Anklet x2
Reflect Ring
Black Belt (if you missed it in the Black Mage Village)

Since we already have enough Pearl Rouges, don’t waste a Moonstone on anymore. There’s a limited supply of Moonstones and we can get plenty of Pearl Rouges at Treno’s Auction House.

Now leave the shops and go north to the docks. On the blind sides of each of the guards you can find a Phoenix Pinion and a big paycheck of 3927 gil (whoo hoo, we’re in the money, we’re in the money...).  
Next get thee to the church wherest Kupo doth lie in wait for his letter that we hath received long back in Disc 2. You’ll receive a Kupo Nut for your efforts. Stiltskin also sits here chatting it up with a purple moogle? Whatever, buy his stuff. Climb the church ladder and ring that bell to score a Shiva Card and a Ramuh Card. Soon we’ll be putting those cards to use. Finally, return to the alley where we met Alleyway Jack and speak to Blank and Marcus to find out that Blank is in a bit of hot water with Ruby and advance the plot. Eventually we get control of Eiko (for about thirty seconds), just go like you were leaving the castle.
After about 5 more minutes of talking we get to control Zidane. Go back to the Mini-Theater and search the tables in the foreground for 2680 gil. Now that we have Zidane we can go back to the Weapon Shop to play a new Mini-Game that is basically the Shell Game + Double or Nothing. Talk to the three bros to play. If you’re good at those games then this is a great way to rack up some gil.

When you’re ready go back to the dock to find Freya and Amarant. After more banter, we want to take the gondola to the castle. Search the bells by the fountain to get an Ether and a Phoenix Pinion. Behind the fountain you can find a Lapis Lazuli. Go to the left to the tower here where we climbed all those stairs at the beginning. By the portcullis you can find another Phoenix Pinion. Entering the tower you’ll see a door on the left. Enter this room. You’ll know you’re in the right place if there’s a statue of Neptune. In the corner by the door you can find the next Stellazzio coin, Leo. After all of this go into the Castle-Proper for an audience with the Queen-to-Be. Everyone is stunned by how beautiful she is dressed but Zidane is rendered speechless and can’t even bring himself to say a farewell. Of course after this sweet scene we also get the sort-of conclusion of that comedic scene from earlier. Okay, it serves no real purpose to the game but it’s funny. Discouraged from his endeavors to win her heart, Zidane decides he wants to go to Treno for the Card Tournament.

As we leave, we get a glimpse of the two jesters, Zorn and Thorn. What could they be up to?

Upon entering Treno, as usual everyone splits up and we get a series of ATEs. This time it matters which ones you choose and in which order you choose them. Follow this order.

1. Eiko Talks Life
2.  How He Ended up Here (after you can choose to have Vivi stop by his home or stay in Treno)
3.   If you stayed in Treno, you can watch Hippo’s Prize. If not, watch Memories by the Water
4.   Memories by the Water (if you watched Hippo’s Prize), City People (if you sent Vivi to his home)
After this ATE, it really doesn’t matter which order you watch them in.

While watching these ATE’s, stop by the Weapon Shop. Have Zidane equipped with the Angel Bless and the Coral Ring and the Abilities: Beast Killer and Jelly. Now you’ve got the Angel Bless which teaches Thievery. Folks, Thievery is why we have been stealing at least once per battle thus far. This skill’s damage is depended on how many times you have successfully stolen from an enemy. Go ahead and try out Thievery on this Catoblepas and see the effect our stealing has had.

The Treno Auction House has new stuff, most importantly is the Dark Matter (teaches Odin Eidolon). The next item of priority is the Rat Tail. Buy both. They also sell the Anklet and the Feather Boots. You can buy them here or save money and synthesize them.

Finally we can also get the third Rare Coffee that we need to give the old man at the observatory. Go  all the way back to Dali. Go into the Mayor’s House (the house between the windmill and the weapon shop). First, check the Desk to get a Mini-Brahne. Check the shelf next. You will be thrown out, just come back in. Check the shelf again and check it repeatedly until the boy falls asleep (Zzz). Check the heater to get the Mayor’s Key. Leave and go to the windmill. Use the key on the door at the back. By the Chocobo you can find 30000 gil. Check the same spot to find the Burman Coffee. Congratulations, you have all three Rare Coffees  to complete the side quest. Take those coffees to the structure on the cliff by Dali and go into Morrid’s house. Talk to him to give him the coffee. He will mail the Prima Vista model later to Tantalus’ Hideout.

In the Windmill you can also find a Cachusha and an Elixir on the second floor. Another thing to note as well is that the Ragtime Mouse’s last 7 questions are now unlocked.

Return to Treno. Before you face the card tournament, take your Stellazzio coins to the queen. Finally go to the Card Stadium (if you go down a screen from the Synth Shop you’ll reach it, the building with the bird in front of it). Now it’s time to play cards. For details on how to play go to

Talk to the guy at the desk to begin. Play the first two rounds then leave Treno. Head to Quan’s Dwelling to find Vivi. After round 1 you can view Home Sweet Home. After round two, go to the moogle in front of the Weapon Shop (viewing Good Old Days along the way). Save, save, save! I cannot stress this enough! Save! You want to win round 3 of the tournament to win the crucial Rebirth Ring (Auto-Life) and you don’t want to have to just move forward if you lose. You want to be able to reset and reload the game in that case. So SAVE! After saving take the stairs on this screen and head towards the Inn from earlier to unlock another more ATE’s (just go from screen to screen as long as it’s not the Card Stadium Screen). Once all the ATE’s are done, return to the Card Stadium and enter for round 3. It’s all Oglop Cards but that doesn’t mean this guy (gal) is a push-over. Stay on your toes and reload if you lose (until you win because you WANT the Rebirth Ring).

Once we’re through winning that Rebirth Ring, we get some playful banter between Zidane, Erin, and Cid just before Eiko runs in in a panic. Alexandria is in trouble, she claims.

We cut back to Alexandria. It’s the middle of the night and Kuja is plotting as usual. What’s going on? Will Steiner and Beatrix be enough to keep the Queen safe? Will we get back in time to save Alexandria from whatever Kuja is doing? Wait and see NEXT TIME!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Chapter 16 Disc 2 Finale

I need to say I am sorry for being absent for so long. My computer cord stopped working and then I got into doing other things and life just got in the way. I’m back now and we’re on to the Disc 2 Finale.

We start this chapter at the entrance of the Iifa Tree. The group talks for a bit about the Mist going away before a moogle, Moco, comes in to tell Eiko some distressing news. We must hence head back to Madain Sari (you do remember the way right?). If you forgot some of the treasures last time we were in Madain Sari (which if you followed my walkthrough should not have been a problem) you can get them now, especially the Kirman Coffee.

When you get back to Madain Sari, once you regain control of your characters, head to the kitchen and down the stairs through a small door. After Eiko gets through talking and runs off, take the treasures from the small room and skedaddle to the Eidolon Wall. Talk to the moogle at the entrance and do these options in this order “Peek Inside”, “Heal us” and “Where’s Mog” and finally “Go Inside.” After some short banter we are thrown into our next big boss fight.
After all of this, go back to the small room from just a few minutes ago to initiate the next series of automatic events. Leave the room and go back to where Zidane talked to Vivi that first night in Madain Sari (you know the one about male bonding). You may recognize the song being sung as the song she sang twice on disc 1. No, that song hasn’t just vanished and it never will. Examine the corner of this spot where you get the ! for some more exposition (hey it can’t be all action, we need a rest now and then)  and to trigger this chilling FMV.

After yet MORE exposition, the morning comes and we get ready to mosey back to the Iifa Tree. However, the Scarlet Haired Man isn’t done with us yet. He wants to know why Zidane spared him and just what makes Zidane tick (jeese, this guy reminds me of Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket the way he obsesses over Zidane). Zidane invites him to join the party and we get Amarant (we get to name him and everything). Uh oh, we have more than 4 possible party members! Like most late Final Fantasy games we now have to form our party. Zidane MUST be in the party. Go ahead and take Dagger out and replace her with Amarant. It’ll save trouble later. And GASP, we have a new party member with no abilities. You’re probably thinking I’m going to tell you to grind. Nope, not this time. We’re so close to the end of the disc and the monsters just don’t give enough AP to make it worth all the time. We will save grinding for later, when we have more characters to grind for as well. So instead just make your way back to the Iifa Tree.

When we arrive back at the tree, we get a short snippet of Kuja’s arrival and the option to change party members, enter the menu, or keep current members. Just go ahead and keep current members and enter the Iifa Tree once more. Follow the roots until the game takes over. After the scene with Kuja, we enter into an automatic battle. Some people class this beast, the Mistodon as a boss battle. I do not. A boss battle is a creature you battle once, not multiple times (except in the case of the one serving as the final boss of the game). And it isn’t even boss battle tough. It’s undead. Steal once from it and use a Life spell on it. Doesn’t even have anything good to steal. You’re just stealing once each battle to build up an attack we get later in the game.

After the battle and the FMVs and the visit from the Exposition Fairy, Dagger runs off. If you had her in your party up until now, you would now be forced to use Amarant. See why I suggested just taking Amarant instead now? But all that exposition aside, this part of the game is really epic. I’ll be honest, it’s one of my favorite sections.

When we finally regain control, don’t leave the screen yet. At the top of the screen, hidden behind the trunk of the tree is Mocchi. Do the usual Moogle Drill; Save, Tent, Mognet and then leave the screen, exit stage left. Run down, down, down, fighting Mistodons along the way. Finally, we reach the bottom where Dagger revives the Eidolon sealed, only to find out that it’s Leviathan, the Sea Dragon. It is useless to save Brahne and all seems lost when...

With the summoning of Bahamut, the Dragon King, it looks as though there might be hope after all. It even managed to injure Kuja some. However, we soon learn that things are not that simple. After all, we still have two whole discs to play through.

And with this next set of exposition and cutscenes, we close Disc 2. Next chapter we will begin Disc 3. Thank you so much for reading.